Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Saint Hosius the "Last Voice of the Early Church"?

In 2021, David Bercot was interviewed by Austin Suggs on his Gospel Simplicity channel. The interview was called "Anabaptist Perspective on Church History (w/ David Bercot)." In the interview, Mr. Bercot expresses his views about how lifestyle trumps theology, how things went wrong with Emperor Constantine, and how Bishop Hosius of Cordova was the "last voice of the early Church." 

Answering a question about what would be a “more productive way” of solving the Arian controversy, David describes St. Hosius as the “last voice of the early Church.” Mr. Bercot says that St. Hosius’ advice to Emperor St. Constantine about solving the Arian controversy was: “They just need to drop it.” David would have St. Hosius say, “Quit arguing about it. Just drop it.” His narrative continues:
He [Constantine] sent Hosius there to talk to Alexander, the bishop of Alexandria. He said that very thing. He told them, ‘You should not have asked the questions you did. You started this thing by asking these questions about God that we don’t know the answer. And Arius, you shouldn’t have ever given the answers you did. You both need to just back off from it, and drop this.’ … Now, they’re not going to drop it, and it was a horrible feud. … What they came up with as the answer is certainly what the early Church taught. (See 44:00-50:00)
St. Hosius (c. 256-358) was a Spanish bishop of Córdova, Spain for more than sixty years during the fourth century, and a survivor of persecution under Maximian (303-305). He was also an adviser to Emperor St. Constantine the Great and one of the chief defenders of Orthodoxy in the West against the early Donatist schism and the Arian heresy. For the reasons below, Mr. Bercot's identification of St. Hosius as the "last voice of the early Church" is exceedingly problematic.